XXIX Congreso Acaden Granada 2024


noNdas vLachOPouloS

Nondas Vlachopoulos

miNimal Invasive apProach of Full Ceramic resTorations

The need for optimum results in the areas of aesthetics, function and biocompatibility, necessitates more and more the use of minimal invasive all-ceramic restorations, implants, and their combination. This presentation describes step by step the daily laboratory process, and the way that art and technology in combination with artistic perspective, manage to fulfill with great success excellent accuracy for the requirements of each individual case. Methods and handling for analysis and design will be described in order to understand and be able to select the proper conservative solution for the optimal result.


  • Framework design and its importance to the increase of the Pressable restorations’ aesthetics.
  • Internal stain techniques and fluorescent increase on Zirconia restorations.
  • Step by step layering on Feldspathic Veneers with the “One Bake Technique”.

Nondas Vlachopoulos

Was born in Toronto, Canada. He graduated from the school of dental technology in 1985. He then acquired a BSc Hons from the School of Dental Technology of the Technological Educational Institution of Athens (1989). In 1990, he established his own dental laboratory «AestheticLab» in Athens. Since 2001, he has been Opinion Leader for Noritake Dental and MPF Brush Co. in Greece. Ηe is an international member at the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and editorial reviewer at the AACD’s Journal, and member at the Hellenic Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. In 2024 he was awarded the Kenneth D. Rudd Award by the American Prosthodontic Society. He specializes in aesthetic all-ceramic and implant restorations. His laboratory collaborates with the Department of Prosthodontics of the Eastman Institute of Oral Health of the University of Rochester, USA, and in the past with the Dental School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece and its postgraduate programs of Dental Prosthodontics and Dental Surgery. Since September 2015, he is cooperating to the practical education of the Postgraduate program leading to a Master of Science Degree in dental Biomaterials/Materials of Dental Technology. The program is operated by The Department of Dental Technology of the Technological Institution of Athens in conjunction with the Dental School of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens. Nondas Vlachopoulos is leading many educational hands-on courses in Greece and worldwide (USA, South America, Europe, Australia, Asia and Middle East). He is invited to lecture on dental aesthetics at international meetings and congresses. He has published articles in Greek and international Dental Technology journals.